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Starting a Private Practice

Going out on your own doesn't have to be intimidating and filled with pitfalls. This self guided course will walk you through the mental-emotional work and the legal considerations for starting a private practice. Whether it's naming yourself, balancing work and family, offering telehealth services, finances and accounting, or selecting an EHR, we've got you covered!
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Scaling Your Private Practice

Making the decision to expand your private practice is an exciting time as an entrepreneur! But there are several things to consider as you prepare to grow your team. Intake and referrals can get complicated when you have several therapists working for you, as well as scheduling, interviewing and hiring, payroll, marketing, and scheduling clinical supervision. This video course will help you plan all of this before expanding so that you're set up for success! Learn more.


One-on-One Coaching

If doing it alone doesn't sound like your cup of tea, the one-on-one coaching option provides tangible support as you go through the course. Schedule calls with Dyna as you go through the course to discuss and get feedback on your unique situation and challenges. These calls are yours to schedule as needed so wherever you need the most support, that's where we'll focus! Ready to learn more?

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